Random Dispatches

John Murray John Murray

Begin with the End in Mind

When defining the strategic vision for an organization, project or brand, it’s a good idea to remember the sage advice of Stephen Covey and the second of his 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: “begin with the end in mind.” By defining the ideal outcome and end state, what it looks like, how we will measure it, and the finer details of what it really encompasses we can start to build the roadmap that will lead us to it.

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John Murray John Murray

What Governments Can Learn from the Mouse

Earlier this year, I spent a week with my wife and two young daughters at Disney World. As we navigated the parks – connected by roadways, (mono-) rail lines, bus routes, and even ferries – it occurred to me how much of the infrastructure mirrors that of the typical city. And I was pleasantly surprised at how well the company optimized productivity in executing such complex operations.

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John Murray John Murray

Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge

Last week, the UK Government announced plans to “mutualise” an agency that has been actively managing demand for the past couple years (a mutual is a government agency that is privatized, creating a public-private partnership that is equal parts owned by the employees, the UK Government, and a private third-party.) The agency in question is officially called the Cabinet Office Behavioural Insights Team, but is better known by its nickname: The Nudge Unit.

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